Wednesday, November 11

User ability of a Fat Chick

I'm fat. I'm big boned, plus size, curvy, overweight and whole range of similar words that basic means I'm fat. Now to me fat is not a bad word, its simply a description that defines what my body is. I like to eat a bit to much chocolate, and I like to exercise. I'm relatively healthy for those who are concerned about my weight, I just like to indulge myself a little more often than I should and that's OK. 

I get offered work as a plus size model and I love to take a selfie. I'm not shy about how I look, why would I be? The world has so much different standards of beauty and hopefully I appeal to some. I want to take who I am further and help promote a body positivity that is not defined by your weight but rather how you feel inside. I post semi-nude images baring my flesh and all the jiggles I posses, because a body is not to be shamed.
So with that out the way today I'm writing about the user ability to not see past a fat chick in a picture.

I have a website for my modelling, I'm no designer so after finding out about a website called Peek User testing I jumped on the chance to see how my website looked to an outsider. 'Get a peek into the mind of your users.' it claims. To be honest I wish I didn't.
Its sad that in this day and age, after all the press and all the supposed body positive movements there is still those who put down somebody based on there weight.
It claims on its video that is is a service for ”finding and fixing the problems faced by your website visitors”. Well obviously me being fats a huge problem on a plus size website! 

Now I wont completely slate the website. I did find it OK on my blog, neither pointing out anything negative or positive about it. In fact the first time I used on on my modelling website I had a very helpful man state things in a 7 minute long video. This did actually help me improve the website, helping me see things that an outsider would see. Spurred on by his helpfulness I applied twice more to see what people thought about it. 
Greeted by a 1minute 32 video for the second attempt, which did nothing to test the user ability of the site but to sexulise my clothing, point out my breast side and also note that it was a site for overweight models. This review irked me as did not do anything but judge me based the images on the first page. 
It was the first video however which really took it further. I was also put down based on my appearance.

It makes me feel like this is some sort of adult site or porn site”
though one should always try to be healthy”

I have big boobs, I do pin-up, but in what way does this have ANYTHING to do with the user ability of the site. This is straight out judging based on my appearance.
My appearance may not be to everybody's taste, but when asked for an impartial view on it I'm named as an adult model. I have nothing against adult modelling, iv done some more risky shoots in my time, but these images have nothing to do with the ability to use a site. The fact my breasts automatically make something over sexulised is alarming. Without learning about me, who I fight to anti-discrimination with, what I believe. I'm simply named as a porn model. My weight again a judging factor on my website. 

I wonder if my images were all removed if I would still get the same remarks about user ability? I highly doubt it.

Much love,

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  1. Absolutely fascinating (and shocking) read! Love your pictures too... Love your attitude more xx

    1. Thank you, you need ot stay positive or the world becomes a dark place x

  2. Oh Wow! I am completely speechless! How dare they come back with comments like that. You're right, it doesn't have anything to do with the usability of the site.
    I am sorry you had to go through that. Some people are a disgrace!

    Laura x x x

    1. They really are a disgrace and there reply to the email i sent them is even more so! But more on that later ;)

  3. Very strange that when you ask to for a usability test that you get comments on your looks!! I guess we still have a long way to go to be considered equal.

    1. very strange indeed. Such a shame that people still feel the urge to put down when there is no place for it

  4. I've heard of Peek User but the thought that I'd get some idiot commenting on how I look rather than the blog really put me off. It's really sad to see that wasn't just my paranoia talking! #sharewithme

    1. You might get somebody really nice, unfortunatly i didnt. Think its a 50/50 chance

  5. It really sounds as if they have let the wrong kinds of judgments come into their minds when looking at your site. I can see why you're upset about it but I would say you should just ignore them and get on with what you do!

    1. I think i felt more upset not just about me being judged but the fact they coudnt look past an image and let it define the site

  6. I can't believe someone looking at the usability of your website would make comments like this. I'm glad you're confident in your body image because that's the main thing! x

    1. i know its shocking isnt it? Gotta stay positive or you would crumble :)

  7. I wish I can fully accept my body the way that it is. But, baby steps...

    I love this post! So much for the win and a swift kick to those wannabe haters / commenters who just want to start drama. People find you beautiful not just in body but in personality and mind too. Take care.

    1. i think its just human nature to never be truely happy about how you look. Never let thoes voices win tho. :)

  8. It's atrocious that someone would judge your site based on the images you decide to use and your appearance. I guess there will always be people like that who can't see past the superficial and it's great that you're so confident. Wish lots of other women felt the same..

    1. i really is shocking isnt it? Such a shame for this day and age x

  9. I've never heard of that usability test site (I shan't name and give it another plug) and I'm pretty glad for that. It sounds appalling. We are all beautiful, not matter what shape, size, colour. Variety is the spice of life, as they say - so true. Initiatives such as the #bereal campaign are to be applauded :). Tx

    1. you are so spot on! It doesnt mater what you look like because you are beautiful :)

  10. On the plus side- sounds like there were no legit complaints about your site. On the minus side- this poor company has hired a bunch of mean bigots to test for them.

  11. Such an eye-opening read but I'm happy you've written this and put it out there! It's a ridiculous world we live in.

  12. What absolute mean bigotted twonks! I also had a test of Peek User and it was so basic that it told me nothing whatsoever x


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